The Poles, as has been said before, were a Slavicpeople, distant cousins of the Russians and Bohemians.
Participants staged a performance which reconstructed battles, traditions and handicrafts widespread among Slavicpeople in Kievan Russia in the 13th century.
Over the Slavicpeople to the east-Russians ,Poles ,etc.- ortheScandinaviansto the north, the empire had secured comparatively small influence.
Serbia, Montenegro and Russia had never forgiven Austria for seizing Bosnia and Herzegovina and making these Slavicpeople subjects of the Austrian crown.
The Bohemians, a Slavicpeople, regarded him as a national hero and made his martyrdom an excuse for rebelling against the Holy Roman Empire.
Ús de slavic race en anglès
Russia was for centuries the chief power of the Slavicrace.
The whole psychology of the Slavicrace is crystallized in these two impressionistic words.
This Slavicrace is striking deep roots in Canadian soil, particularly in our Western Provinces.
The general impression was that it was the Slavicrace sentiment that inspired Russia's quick action.
She is the living representative of the gifts that the Slavicraces, and especially the Russian Jew, have contributed to American life.
The following enumeration of the still existing distinct nations of the Slavicrace, may serve to give a clearer view of them.
These are the cognate languages of the Slavicrace, all descended from the same source, and that also the source of the Cech.
They talked on, he expounding his views on the menace of Austria's near-east aspirations as opposed to Russia's friendship for the Slavicraces.